Rusty B Junior Student's Combo Pack

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CEF Level 
Young Learners 2
Teacher's Book ISBN 
Doris Brumma

The Rusty B Junior Combo Pack includes the Student's Coursebook and the Time out! booklet.

The Student’s Coursebook is made up of 30 core lessons of two pages each. The syllabus has the following structure:

  • a revision lesson at the beginning of the book, revising the alphabet, colours, numbers, days, months, seasons, a/an, plurals -s/-es, this/that/these/those, prepositions of place, CAN (ability), the imperative and the possessive case
  • 30 theme-based lessons, introducing grammar and thematically-linked vocabulary and including reading, listening, speaking and writing practice
  • 6 Revision sections, one every five lessons
  • 3 cross-curricular sections, one every ten lessons
  • a page presenting basic adjectives
  • stickers
Teacher's Book 
The Teacher’s Book has overprinted answers. It includes a Teacher’s Guide with transcripts and teaching tips for the stories, activities and crafts for the Time Out! booklet and guidelines as well as extra material for experiential activities, creative projects and photocopiable Extra Practice pages (with a key) for the Coursebook.
Rusty B Junior e-book
Interactive E-Book 

The interactive e-book for Rusty Junior B includes:

  • the entire Coursebook, Workbook and Grammar Book
  • all tasks in interactive form
  • the reading texts of the lessons in animated sing-a-long form with an on/off text option
  • songs in animated sing-a-long form with an on/off lyrics option
  • interactive vocabulary and grammar games
  • the TIME OUT! stories in animated form
  • handy glossary of the vocabulary of the Coursebook accompanied by pictures and including Greek translations and pronunciation
  • flashcards with audio file
Rusty B Junior Time Out!
Rusty B Junior Time Out! 

The Time Out! booklet contains:

  • 3 well-known children’s stories in comic strip form, adapted for this level
  • Christmas, Valentine, Carnival & Easter projects
  • playground games
  • craftwork
  • a Christmas play
  • an End-of-year play
Rusty B Junior Posters
Rusty B Junior Posters 

6 high quality posters presenting taught vocabulary are provided to teachers. The posters can be used throughout the year to encourage, assist and motivate young learners.