Take Off!

Publication Year 
CEF Levels 
B1, B1+, B2
Linda Jones
About this series 

This new contemporary series aims to develop students’ linguistic skills in a consistent, systematic way, with a cross-curricular approach that encourages independent learning.

The philosophy behind the Take Off! series
The unit topics, such as student exchange programmes, the eco-city of Curitiba, alternative holidays, entrepreneurship and young people, have been selected to provide students with the necessary vocabulary, while increasing their critical skills and their awareness of the diversity of attitudes and lifestyles.

The series applies interactive and motivational learning methods with the aim of providing students with a well-rounded educational experience. Its cross-curricular activities boost students’ social skills and problem-solving abilities. At the same time, students are encouraged to develop their own personal learning strategies and to take responsibility for their progress.

All levels of the TAKE OFF! series cover the required grammar fully, so there is no need for an extra grammar book.

Video Presentation